The political map of the United States is amazingly simple and revealing, the color red represents the Republicans, blue represents the Democrats. The middle part of the U.S. is red, the edges on the coasts blue. Astrologically, you would associate the inward-looking middle part of the country with the element Earth and the coasts with more contacts and influence from outside with Air. Earth is naturally conservative and Air can move. It’s not totally right because coastal state Florida is red, but it’s remarkable.      


In this post, we continue the investigation into the November presidential election in the US, and this time we look at the solar return of Kamala Harris, who is now 3% ahead of Trump in the polls. But before this, let us take a look at the profections , the simple prediction method in which each house represents a year. In Harris’ case, the profection has come in the first house in which the strong North node is on the Ascendant, in the case of Trump, 78 years old, the profection has arrived in the seventh house. House 7 represents battle, in Trump’s horoscope, Lord 7 is Saturn very weak in detriment, which is conjunct Lord 10 of the job . So the profection looks better for Harris than for Trump!

Sr Harris


Making a prediction only on the basis of a prophecy would be a bit daring, the solar returns are also worth analysing. At first glance, there is not much spectacular to see in the return that is now valid. A comparison of the solar  return with the radix immediately  however yields something, the MC of the job falls on the strong radix Ascendant and that is of course very positive. The MC is also on the strong Capella, a star of the first magnitude in the Chariot, and that is not bad . What is also striking is that Mercury is Lord 1 and Lord 10, Harris this year, is combust. That would indicate a great weakening, but the Sun is what she wants, becoming the big boss in this context, this is not necessarily negative. The proximity to the South Node is less positive.

The Beam

Al Na’am the Lunar Mansion in the solar return is also always worth taking into account , and that is Al Na’am (the Beam) , the human part of Sagittarius. It has a Jupiter/Mars energy and the ruling star is Nunki on the arrow being shot. Al Na’am has to do with passionately propagating ideas! But this is the solar rurn under which she became a presidential candidate and campaigned. However, just before election day, a new solar return begins! In that solar return, Venus, Lord 11 is the fruits of  yourt labors, is right on the Ascendant, the Lunar Mansion is Al Dabaran of the victorious galloping knight, and Jupiter Lord 10 of the job in the radix is on the radix-Asc. That doesn’t look bad for her at all.       

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