In last week’s post we discussed Donald Trump and Kamala Harris’ combine chart. A combine chart is made by taking the exact middle of the birth data of the two people, i.e. the middle of the two times, the two dates and the two places. This provides the data with which you can make the combine, so it is not a chart of midpoints between the planetary positions in both horoscopes. Such a horoscope of midpoints is called a composite, but a combine is a much better instrument to analyse the interaction between two people.
Relation prognosis
The combine of Trump and Harris gave a striking picture of their interaction and you can see the combine as a “relationship radix”. Because it is a “real” horoscope, you can also use all the forecasting techniques applied in an individual radix. So not only can you describe a relationship and determine which points can concretely stabilize it, you can also follow the development of a relationship over time. So you can also base advice on this how to best deal with it, as you do in a consultation with a client using the individual radix.

Of course, that is not the case with Trump and Harris, but the solar return under which the elections are held shows the battle very clearly. You can immediately see that this is a special solar return because the angles are so strongly occupied. Saturn (the old Trump) is in opposition to Venus (the fresh Harris) over the Asc/Desc-axis and square this opposition is Mars of battle conjunct Jupiter of politics, placed on Rigel the main star of violent Orion. Jupiter is also Lord 1 and Lord 10 in the solar return Saturn-Trump is on Achernar, connected to the myth of Phaeton stealing the Solar Chariot but eventually crashing down in flames.
The Arrow
In a solar return you can always check in which Manzil the Moon is found, this indicates the core theme of the year. That is Al Na’am, the Ray or Cheiron the Archer. Nunki is the ruler star of the Manzil and it is placed on the archer’s arrow. Of course, that is extremely striking, the passionate propagation of ideas is one of the key words here, its planetary energies are Jupiter and Mars. Even the profections, the technique in which every year is described by a house, can be applied, it has arrived in the public tenth house, very appropriate of course. Lord 10 in the combine (“the radix”) is Mars of battle conjunct the Sun of kingship. It is clear that the combine, if interpreted in a classical way, opens up completely new and extremely interesting paths.