Last Sunday Max Verstappen won the Grand Prix of Barcelona and came back in the lead of the classification by winnimng thre race. Last December we followed the last Formula- races on this blog and the prediction was made that Verstappen would become world champion, which also happened in an extremely exciting final race. Now  that Max has taken the lead again, the question is whether he will repeat it this season, which only ends in November. Sometimes a driver will dominate for years.

Aldebaran MC

Max was born on September 30th and until then he has the solar return under which he also became world champion last December. That is quite a strong return with royal Aldebaran on the MC and Lord 1 on royal Spica. This strong solar return remains in force until his birthday but then he gets a new one,  which covers the last two months of the season. Now it could be so that it has already been decided by that time, but there is still a good chance that the new return will show whether he will win the championship again.

That is the question because right on the Ascendant of this solar return the South Node is found and that is the point where a very painful sacrifice must be made, the South Node is a kind of super-Saturn. It automatically means that the influence of the North Node, “super-Jupiter” will fall on the opponent’s descendant.  Venus, Lord 7 of opponents, has also just made a leap from his fall in Virgo to his own sign Libra, a huge increase in strength. Planets that make those kinds of movements in a solar return are always important clues.

Insufficient Price

The return-MC is in th laste degree of Leo, where for a long time royal Regulus stood, the “throne star”, but it has now moved up to the first degree of Virgo on the other side of the sign boundary. On the ascendant there is a royal ster, Lucida Lancis, the Scorpion’s Southern Claw, but that star is also called the Insufficient Price, the utmost is asked of you but that is not enough. Royal does not always mean winning, it does mean that there is a very powerful effect.


Lord 10 of the job is the Sun in the solar return and by antiscion it is in opposition with Mercury which occupies a remarkable place. It is conjunct the lightning-fast radix-Mercury of Max who has given him his racing talent. But the return -Mercury is not fast and also retrograde, the opposition with return Lord 10 seems to indicate that Max will not be able to use his Mercury optimally at the end of this year under the new solar return.  It is still early in the season, but this solar return under which he could become world champion again does not look that promising.

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