It seems as if the whole European political world is in crisis, in the Netherlands we mainly go from one riot to another, in Germany the government has fallen and in France now too. Even the former Brexit negotiator and very competent diplomat Michel Barnier could not balance forces as the French prime minister. As in many countries, the problem come from the radical side, from right-wing populists, but in France also from the left. However, a leading role is reserved for Marine Le Pen, the main opponent of liberal President Macron who is now in quite some trouble.


However, that also applies to Marine Le Pen, although she has a lot of influence because her party did well  in the previous elections, at the same time there is a lawsuit going on against her. That trial is about the abuse of European funds and the possible penalty is not mild, five years in prison, a 300,000 Euros fine and five years of ineligibility. That would mean, among other things, that she would not be able to participate in the next presidential elections in ’27. In earlier times, rulers always used astrologers and let us  imagine that we fulfill that role for Mrs. Le Pen.

Solaar Le Pen


The progressions already make it clear that it is not all going smoothly. She is  in a Firdar of Jupiter who is in detriment in her radix and Lord 6 of adversity. The primary direction of the Asc has moved over Neptune over the past year and over the Centaur star Agena associated with the consequences of too impulsive decisions. She may have done well in the elections, but government power still seems far away. Her current solar return, under which the verdict will be reached in March 2025, confirms the picture of obstacles and tensions.


The first thing to notice in the solar return is the Ascendant in the notorious crisis zone on the Pleiades, connected to disappointments. Not only that, Uranus, of the painful castration of the sky god is also on the Ascedant! That is not an image of victory. Venus is Lord 1 and is about to go to its fall, which you could take literally, planets at the sign boundary in a solarreturn  indicate a change in that year. In her first house, Mars of  battle as Lord 7 of opponents on the Mars star Aldebaran is found. An picture of conflict, the New Moon indicates a new phase. The Lunar mansion  in the solar return is  the Glance of the Lion Al Tarf of confrontation with the authorities. So the problems are very clear to see and it seems that she will not just get away with it unharmed.

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