To put it neatly the right-wing cabinet trying to govern our country does not make a very coherent and stable impression. Last week, it reached a new low in the aftermath of the riots surrounding the football match against Maccabi Tel Aviv with its extremely racist and violent supporters. Strangely enough, it was not the Israelian racists who were blamed by the government, but all Muslims in The Netherlands and this almost led to the government’s fall. There is something rotten in the state of Holland. This most bumbling cabinet ever with a sad empty shell at its head, raises the question of what the chart of this cabinet looks like.
That must be very dramatic! To make the horoscope of a cabinet, we need a moment of birth and that is not the moment that it appears in public for the first time, but the moment that it is sworn in. After all, from that moment on it really exists as a government, after which the ministerial team appears in public. And yes, the chart that this moment gives us, is indeed not too good. Everything that can go wrong, and what you would like to avoid if you were to make an election, has gone wrong. No wonder it is such a sad spectacle.

Immediately the MC attracts the attention in conjnctions with an exalted Moon reflecting the populist forces (Moon = people) that dominate this government. Exaltation always points to a lack of realism and yes that’s certainly true. All kinds of things are shouted, they would arrange it in Brussels for the Netherlands by banging their fists harder on the EU tables, which has remained without any result at all. This idea of a hard collision with reality is reinforced by Uranus, the sky god of unlimited possibilities who is painfully castrated by Saturn, the reality planet par excellence.
Most destructive, however, is the conjunction this Moon-Uranus-MC combination makes with Algol, the most malevolent star in the sky. This is Medusa, the infamous lady with snakes instead of hairs on her head, it is an image of primitive impulses that dominate clear thinking. Lord 10 is of course also important, after all, it is about a government and that is Venus in sextile with fighter planet Mars manifesting its most unsubtle sides in its detriment in Taurus: lost of quarrelling. If the Moon is moved forward with a key of one degree per month, it loses its exalation after about four degrees which always gives a climax in the crisis zone after Algol and that is indeed November.