On Monday, Donald Trump was inaugurated as the 47th president of the US, and he immediately announced the beginning of a golden era for America. There was not much unexpected to hear, although the whole atmosphere was a bit grim. Biden’s policies were mercilessly critcized, tech tycoons and extremist politicians from abroad, such as the unhinged Argentinian President Milei, sat at the front row. It was a coalition of uninhibited, merciless big business with a radical and intolerant nationalism, exactly what Trump unites.    

20 Jan

The inauguration is the beginning of the presidency and of course a horoscope can be made of it. That requires a certain caution, because it always happens on January 20, at 12 o’clock in Washington. That is, certain positions such as those of the Sun and those of the angles are always the same, so not too much significance can be attached to them. It’s about the positions that make the difference, which are therefore specific to this time. They can say something specific about this president.

Trump Inauguratie 2


The first thing you notice is that the Sun, the symbol of the presidentship, is in closely conjunct Pluto. This reflects the grim atmosphere, after all, the lord of Hades has the habit of appearing unexpectedly and overwhelmingly to make his move. In the run-up to January 20, Trump talked about the annexation of Panama, Canada and Greenland, not very realistic but it does characterize the atmosphere. Pluto is not known for its diplomatic, sensitive behavior, power is simply used to take the prize.


However, the fact that the Pluto/Sun conjunction is also on Altair, the fiery inspired main star of the Eagle, does not say anything specific because it is always there on January 25 at 12:00.  This also applies to the angles , but of course not to the positions of the important lords of the first and tenth houses because they are always somewhere else. Venus as Lord 1 is in exaltation, you could also say it exalts himself and yes it’s all about America and the conjunction with Saturn, which is also Lord 10, indicates that it is all very defensive, no migrants! A planet in exaltation usually does not excell in realism, a golden age?? Really??

Solar chariot

Saturn, Lord 10 conjunct Venus/ Lord 1 is also on Achernar, the powerful main star of the River associated with stealing the solar chariot, which then runs out of control and comes down in flames. This could have to do with the somewhat simplistic solutions that Trump is proposing, for example, migrants are desperately needed as workers, is it smart then to expell them en masse? And Canada is a sovereign country, isn’t it? Achernar is certainly a warning in that regard. And there is something else that stands out, Mars on the ICU on the bright powerful and smart Procyon. That Mars on the IC is in confrontation with the MC, the Trump administration and that indicates violent conflicts, all the more so because Mars is Lord 7 of the opponent! 

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