While Germany had to contend with lots of water this last month, in Greece it is fire causing big trouble. The fire had even reached the outskirts of the capital Athens and although the acute danger seems to be over there now, the fires are still burning. As we discussed in last week’s post big trouble like this can be seen in a country’s charts in some difficult period. This means trouble could be predicted, although context is as always of great importance. In a dry and hot area where you have some fires every summer, you will look at the relevant charts from another perspective than in countries like Sweden, where this almost never happens.

It is true that Turkey and Italy also have fire problems, but it seems to be the worst in Greece, where the fires even threatened the capital! This triggers the question what there is to be seen in Greece’s chart, maybe astrology could be used in this way to be better prepared for trouble. Several charts could serve to check the developments in modern Greece, but what seems to work quite well is the radix based on the time the colonel’s dictatorship was replaced with the modern democracy Greece now is (time is 24 July, 4:00, Athens, Asc Cancer, the chart picture is not given here, it is a chart with lots of problems). This was a very important moment in Greece’s history, although other, earlier charts could also be chosen.

The lunar return for this disastrous month of extreme heat and fire can be viewed by clicking on the link above. In countries like Greece in the summer months you regularly have extreme heat and by checking the lunar returns from June to September, you can get an idea of bad it will be. The lunar return in Greece starting on 15 July indeed looks very troublesome. What strikes he eye immediately are the planets on the MC/IC-axis, always a sign in a lunar return that something noticeable will happen.

Fixed Fire

In this lunar return chart overwhelming nasty Pluto is on the MC in opposition with the Sun on the IC, the Sun of course is a Fire planet. It is also on Pollux a powerful royal star characterized by the planet energy of fiery Mars alone. Venus/ Lord 1 in this return is most specifically the country this month and it narrowly conjuncts fiery Mars in Leo, the sign of the Fire element in the fixed mode on Algenubi, a nasty star in the Lion’s Mouth. This narrow conjunction is the second clear indication of trouble.

The third indication is the fact that this conjunction of Lord 1 (Greece) with scorching Mars in the fixed Fire sign Leo is by antiscion on the Ascendant! This emphasizes this conjunction very strongly. With three clear indications you know enough and then you can effectively complete the picture on the basis of context knowledge (more heat and dryness in our times, Greece, summer).

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