This weekend, Max Verstappen’s lead over his competitors in Formula 1 racing became so big that he can no longer be overtaken. With that, he became world champion again well before the end of the season. It is in this context interesting to read what we wrote earlier in the season, late May about his chances on this blog :

Last Sunday Max Verstappen won the Grand Prix of Barcelona and came back to the lead of the classification because of that win. Last December we followed the last races in Formula 1 on this blog and the prediction was made that Verstappen would become world champion, which also happened in a blood-curdling final. Now that Max has taken the lead again, the question is whether he will repeat that this season – which only ends in November. It is more common for a driver to dominate for years.

Max was born on September 30 andhe  therefore has until then the solar return activated under which he also became world champion last December. That’s a pretty strong solar return with royal Aldebaran on the MC and Lord 1 on royal Spica. This strong SR remains in force until his birthday but then he gets a new SR under which the last two months of the season fall. Now it could be so that the championship has already been decided by that time, but there is still a good chance that the new SR  will show whether he will win the championship again.

The latter was not the case, that about which I speculated as a possibility in May has become reality, the championship can no longer escape Max. That’s a good thing because the next SR  that has just come into force looks rather problematic, so it will still be exciting to see how the remaining Grands Prixs will unfold. Moreover, most of the season in 2023 will also fall under this new weak SR, so it remains to be seen whether Verstappen will be able to continue his dominance next year.

Now that Max has won the 2022 World Cup, it is interesting to see under which Lunar Return this happened. This is often instructive because LR’s tend to be pronounced, but this is often blurred  by indications that seem to point into a different direction. So you have to focus on what is really most important. In the first instance, it does not look like Max will win the World Cup under this LR, because on the MC we find Uranus, connected with the painful castration of the sky god with his unlimited possibilities. That doesn’t really look nice! Also, the Sun, LR-Lord 1 – Max this month – has just gone to its fall, not really positive either.

But a LR, as we said, must be weighed carefully. That does not mean that a very precise interpretation has to be made down to the smallest details, it is a question of whether compensation can be found that over-rules the negative points. And it can be! The striking triple stellium of the Moon, Mercury and Venus in the LR  falls on his radix-Mercury in Virgo. And it is this radix-Mercury that is not only Lord 11 of “the fruits of your labor”, it is also determining  for his success as a driver. This Mercury has the highest possible speed, the planet cannot possibly move faster. With three planets in the LR on top of this crucial success position, there is sufficient compensation to win the world chamionship now.   

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