In our last post on this blog the transition of the Great Conjunctions into the Air element now and the same transition 800 years ago were compared. Then as now, there were very fast developments, a lot of international movements, a fundamental change in the power balance and many innovations in the field of knowledge. A climax in these changes were the invasions of the Mongols, united under Djenghiz Khan, they swept a like a thunder storm through many parts of Asia and they even occupied parts of Europe. Europe, the Occident, the land of matter (Earth) was attacked by armies from the East when the time of Earth ended and Air times began.
This is repeating itself now, though it is a virus from the East now that has stormed our borders and not an army. The virus is the climax in the transition to Air and it seems that the West is indeed more heavily afflicted by the virus than China, Corona is the instrument by which the US looses its leading position in the world, making room for the new power in the East. It is the same cycle unfolding and that is very impressive. But we can go even further back in time, as there is a comparable transition of the GC’s every 800 years and this brings us to the year 452 when after a long transit phase the GC’s also finally moved into Air. That is really astounding, because the same thing happened then.
Atilla, the Scourge of God
Of course, every school-child knows that then the (Western-)Roman Empire came to an end, although the Eastern part existed for another 1000 years. Now that is a shifting power-balance! The impulse that put an end to the Roman Empire also came from the East which is even more astounding. Again from the heart of Asia, it was Atilla the Hun, the Scourge of God, who pillaging stormed through Europa. Fearfully flying from the attacking Huns German tribes invaded the weakened Roman Empire. Under this pressure, it finally collapse , which was the beginning of a new world as for a very long time the Romans had been the stong dominating power. Empires, are like human beings however, they may seem very strong now but inevitably in the end they pass away.
The wheel of history, shown by the Great Conjunctions, will mercilessly go on turning. This gives us a majestic view of history by which also this time can be given its place, be understood and accepted. Of course, no modern historian would look at history in this way therefore their analyses are most often not very clear or inspiring. Once this was different and it is intriguing to read how astrology was common knowledge in days of yore, also among the Mongol tribes conquering whole continents 800 years ago.
Mongol Astrology
The story is that the birth of a great man was expected in 1186 when there was a conjunction of the seven planets in Libra, and that was the year Djenghiz Khan was born. In 1226 the same Djenghiz Khan, after a life of great conquests, saw five planets “on a row” and feared that his end had come. In the middle of this conjunction was the GC of Saturn and Jupiter of 1226, indicating the final transition into the Air element. It is not known what exactly the Great Kahn thought or what his astrologers told him, but it seems there was a acute consciousness of the meaning of the GC cycle among the Mongols. The Great Khan turned out to have been right, he died the next year. Now that the GC’s had moved into Air , the acute tensions began to diminish, the Mongols who caused the crisis in the transition time to Air, began to loose impetus. History did not need them or Djenghiz Kahn any more and their role came to an end.