Last week the famous French fashion designer Jean-Paul Gaultier, ended his long career with a last show. In the world of fashion Gaultier was seen as as an enfant terrible because of his daring and provocative style, for example he had some overweight and heavily tattoed models walk his shows. One of his creations was the pointed bra worn by Madonna during one of her world tours. Of course, it is very interesting to look in his chart for the reasons of this great succs, an instructive perspective to keep in mind is the question wether we would have send him on this career path, if young Jean-Paul had consulted us. Hey you star-gazer, can and should I be a great fashion-designer?

 His chart (click on the download button above to be able to view it) indeed gives clear indications for succes in a creative profession. The ruler of the tenth house of work is the Sun placed in the seventh house, so it will be easy for him to show himself  in the world. The Sun is in strong mutual reception with Venus, the planet of fashion and beauty through domicile and exaltation (the Sun being in the Venus sign Taurus and Venus in Aries, the exaltation of the Sun). This is a Venus in its detriment in Aries so strongly dominated by fiery and sharp Mars, a pointed bra yes. What’s more, the Sun through which Venus will manifest itself is on the star Sharatan, one the Ram’s Horns!

The other Luminary the Moon is found a bit higher in the seventh house in its exaltation so it will not be harmed too much by combustion by the Sun which is so near. Two Luminaries in an angular house is not too bad for success as Ptolemy points out in his Tetrabiblos and there is still more, even closer to the descendant we see Great Benefic Jupiter Lord 5 of creativity. This expansive Jupiter has no essential dignity so it tends to exceeding limits, it does have a lot of acciddental dignity (manifestation power) though and it is on Mirach Princess Andromeda’s  Girdle (clothes!). Mirach is one of the few stars in the heavens with a pure Venus nature, the Andromeda constellation is explicitly associated with the arts.

So therre are quite some indications for beauty and creativity, although the martial influence is strong, so it will not be too sweet. This is confirmed on the other side of the chart. In the first house there is a retrograde Mars so moving contrary to the mainstream, which is placed on the South Scale. The South Scale is not only a royal star but also as the Scorpion’s Claw ruthless and uncompromising: enfant terrible. Of course, Venus is beauty but Mars is also associated with making clothes, you have to be able to handle the needle.

This amounts to an optimal combination of elegant Veus and sharp Mars, which is repeated on the Ascendant conjuncting royal Spica. Spica not only has a Mars-Venus nature, it also indicates great unexpected fame. Yes Jean-Paul you will a famous couturier it is shown that the stars will give you this.    

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