European countries are suffering from Corona in varying degrees, but it seems that Spain is among the countries suffering most. This was so during the first wave but in the second wave now, the country also has the highest amount of infections again. Tourism, one of the economical pillars in Spain seemed to be recovering a bit, but this is brutallly put to an end now. Checking Spain’s chart we can see why the country is harmed so much, whereas other countries seem to be recovering now. Click on the download-button below to be able to see the current solar return for Spain.

This return chart has been effective since 16 April and so we can see this chart as indicating the post-Corona recovery process. This solar return was calculated on the basis of the Spanish natal chart, the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter on 17 April 1646 (7:49:45 LMT, Asc 15:03 Gemini, not shown here), directly preceding the unification of Spain under the “catholic kings” Isabella and Ferdinand. This is an unusual but very clear and effective method to make natal charts for countries, which will be clear from this return chart in 2020.

Venus Lord 6 of illness in the return chart is on the Descendant, so able to manifest very strongly.What is more, it is placed on on royal and purely martial Aldebaran which gives Lord 6 lots of extra power. This means that Death Star Antares is placed on the Ascendant, Aldebaran and Antares are a pair of stars, in opposition with each other and both are royal and very martial. The difference is that Aldebaran starts up things and Antares is a killer, not a star you want to see in a domineering place in the chart in Corona times!

Lord 1 is  the country and it is Jupiter conjunct Pluto, the Ruler of the Dead who will pop up and strike overwhelmingly, this conjunction is on Terebellum a star of fate. On the MC is another star of fate, Labrum the main star of the Cup, in this case filled with poison which has to be drunk. The Sun, as some smart readers will have noticed is on the third star of fate, on Al Pherg. This however does not count, because anything happening in the chart automatically  purely because of the technique used is irrelevant.  The Sun will always be on Al Pherg in a solar return as that is where it is natally! But even without a third satr of fate it will be clear that for Spain the recovery process will not be smooth.      

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