The last few weeks your reporter was in Germany to hike, but immediately the skies opened and water came down in streams, unseen for a long time. Germany had not experienced such a flood in almost sixty years, the damage done is enormous, the number of deaths is more than 180 now. Other countries were affected too but Germany clearly was most badly hit by the waters. This is not a small thing, so what is there to be seen in the German natal chart? As the German mundane radix we will use as always the chart of the Great Conjunction Saturn and Jupiter (GC) , preceding the foundation of the German Empire in 1871, which marked the first German unity (the GC took place on 21 October 1861, 13;15;54 LMT, Berlin, Asc 14:43 Capricorn, chart picture not given here).

Such a GC chart can be delineated like an individual radix, all the methods you use for a ‘’normal” chart can be applied. If we check the progressions  first, it immediately strikes the eye that there is a progressed New Moon now, always indicating a moment of crisis. The progressed conjunction of the wet Moon and the dry Sun takes place in the ninth degree of Aries in opposition with Mars in the German natal chart, which is a malefic in its detriment placed in the natal eighth house of death. The progressed NM is on Algenib, an unpleasant Pegasus star.

So the progressions indicate the serious problems quite clearly and again it is remarkable how exact the progressed Moon is. The New Moon conjunction of the Luminaries takes place in the month of the flooding, the secondary Moon moves one degree a month, so it is a quite precise prediction tool. If we check the lunar return made on the basis of this mundane radix, the problems are indicated too (click on the link above to view the July lunar return). The nodal axis is on the return MC/IC-axis within a four-degree orb, the Saturn-like South Node falls on the MC and on Death Star Antares. Saturn Lord 1 in the mundane radix and in the return chart is retrograde in the miserable twelfth house. It opposes the conjunction of Venus return Lord 8 of death and malefic Mars. Note the Moon on Algol has no special meaning, as this is a lunar return it will always be there!          

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