The last few weeks we wrote about the dénouement of the Formula-1 battle for the championship between Max Verstappen en Lewis Hamilton and now we will make a prediction. Will “our’’ Max win, and this “’our” is a problem. As a Dutchman I want to see him win and this does not make it easier to make an objective prediction. So we have to watch out for the rose-coloured spectacles! To summarize the situation, Verstappen is still in the lead, there are only two races to go, but Hamilton has been coming closer and closer and could just as well win.

The last two Grands Prixs will take place in the next two weekends under the lunar return you can see by clicking on the download button above. If Max Verstappen is going to win, we have to find some clear indications for a triumph. This delineation is not simple, it is an example of genuine astrological hand-work and all the questions that may pop up in this process. Surely, there are clear charts too, but often positive and negative indications have to weighed with subtlety.


Immediately striking the eye is Mercury’s position in the “heart of the Sun”! So this is cazimi, and it means Mercury will get the support of the full power of the Sun making it unstoppable. Of course, it can be associated with fast movement and technique, it is the planet giving Verstappen his success. In his radix it is very, very fast and it is Lord 11 in the 11th house of the fruits of your labors. Not too bad of course, but in the lunar return Mercury is Lord 12 of self-destruction, and Lord 3 of short routine movements too. The Sun launching this Mercury is radix-Lord 10 of the profession, and that again does not sound bad. 

Through antiscion Pluto is on the cazimi-Mercury, he is the Lord of the Underworld suddenly appearing on the scene in his fast wagon (!) out off a crack in the earth to kidnap Persephone. So in an overwhelming way he graps the big price. Is this Verstappen or maybe Hamilton…Another point is that the cazimi-Mercury is near Antares at a distance of just a bit more than 3 degrees. Antares is the star ending cycles, it is the heart of the Scorpion killing off the arrogant successful hunter Orion. Does it mean it ends here for Verstappen or will he be the Scorpio this month ending the reign of seven-fold world champion Orion-Hamilton?

Solar essence

Hamilton is Saturn Lord 7 in the seventh house very strong, yes he is and he is up close. Mars Lord 10 of the job conjuncts Lord 7 by antiscion and yes it is a month of an intense duel.  The Moon, Lord 1 opposes Neptune which is not good of course. The Part of the Sun, of abundance and future, the “solar essence” ,is on the second cusp and falls on the radix-MC (if the time is exactly correct) . But again the South Node is on his radix-Lord 1.

This is a maddening chart, for every positive indication a negative one seems to pop up. One good trick is then to take a look at the next lunar return and it has the same angles as his radix which is  very good. Mars is Lord 1 on Antares, so does this show victorious Scorpio-Max the heroic killer of Orion-Hamilton? This is really a cold sweat, but I think this cazimi -Mercury will make Verstappen champion. Let us hope these are not my rosy spectacles. 

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