During our holiday in la douce France, the pressures on the British Prime Minister Johnson eventually became too strong. He announced his resignation as the leader of the Conservative party, which means that he also has to give up his funtion as the prime minister automatically.  On this blog we have already given some attention to his progressions and the tensions to be seen in them, but it is worth looking at them again now. The interplay of context, fixed stars, fast and slow progressions and the lunar mansions thus becomes visible in a fascinating way.

   The context is well-known, Johnson allowed various parties to take place at 10 Downing Street during the Corona lockdown and in recent months the pressure has increased to attach consequences to this and to resign. Remember that you will always interpret the progressions against the background of this context. The first slow progression that stands out is the MC on Uranus, which has to do with castration, a painful reality check and you can say that!

Furthermore, we see the Moon entering the Mansion of Al Qalb, the Heart (of Scorpio), which has to do with defense against enemies, killing and the end of a cycle. The MC and the entrance into a new Lunar Mansion sketches the background, the fast progressive factors the Pars Fortunae and the Pars Solis give the further interpretation and an impressive exact timing.  The Pars Solis – calculated from the secondary progressed positions of the Sun and the Moon and the primary position of the Ascendant – is almost on Praesepe, a violent crisis star that has to do with decay, chaos and destruction, with the Aselli Praesepe forms a problem zone of a few degrees.

Usurper Achernar

The Pars of the Moon (Pars Fortunae) has made oppositions with the natal and progressed positions of Pluto, indicating the power struggle of the past few months. The PF is now almost on Achernar a powerful star connected to the fall of the solar chariot, with usurpation. In the mythical story of Achernar, Phaeton takes over the reins of the solar chariot from Helios, the rightful owner, but he does not have the necessary skills to steer it and falls down dramatically, causing great damage to the land.

If all relevant factors – stars, planet parts and lunar masions – are taken into accont an extremely impressive picture is the result, illustrating “as above so below” in a very elegant an convincing way. Note also how precise the progressed Moon, PoF and PoS are and how they can be used to follow what is happening from month to month. 

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