The international political arena remains a horrifying spectacle of evil, which manifests itself there so staggeringly ruthlessly. The diabolical horrors of the regime of the ousted tyrant in Syria Assad makes you speechless, but what is happening in Gaza is also unimaginable. At this level, compassion and ethics no longer play any role at all, everything is determined by raw primitive emotions and in this  way things are also manipulated politically. Gaza is a good example of this.

Al Simak

One of the protagonists on this stage is Benyamin Netanyahu, the Prime Minister of Israel who will undoubtedly be remembered mainly for his actions in Gaza. In his radix, the power of the Lunar Mansion as the core story in the life is once again apparent. In his horoscope, it is the second Virgo manzil Al Simak, strongly associated with divorce and splitting up in relationships! The image of Al Simak is a dog with its tail in its mouth,  symbolically referring to the well-known snake biting its own tail. This depicts a lengthy process to realize the separation and the division.


Jewish Saturn

Furthermore,one look at his horoscope is enough to see that this is a person who will manifest himself powerfully in the world. The two Luminaries Sun and Moon are in the tenth house of the career and Mercury is on the MC. That Mercury is Lord 9 of religion and  vision and in strong mutual reception with Saturn, the general significator of Judaism palced in the ninth houseof religion. Saturn also squares  Venus / Lord 10 of the profession, so this “Jewish” Saturn – laws are everything in Judaism – plays a major role.

The Sorcerer’s Apprentice

Mercury on the MC is on the star Vindemiatrix, associated again with divorce but also connected to the story of the sorcerer’s apprentice. Vindemiatrix gives a kind of recklessness and releases forces that can no longer be controlled. A brief look at what is happening in Gaza, Lebanon and the West Bank will show how this is working out. Politically, Netaynahu leans on a very violent far-right, which arms settlers – political friends of Geert Wilders – to go after the Palestinians.


Everything revolves around the struggle against the Palestinians in his life and those two Luminaries  in the tenth house reflect this. The Sun of the ruler is in its fall and will therefore show its worst side, at the same time we see the Moon approaching this tyrannical Sun to finally disappear completely, to be completely burned up. The Moon (also the symbol of Islam) can be seen as the Palestinians, it stands on the South Node that always forces you to a very painful sacrifice. The fact that this happens on the nodal axis means that this is an eclipse, makingthe whole thing even more dramatic. The light goes out. In the cycle of the Firdaria, Netayanhu has just entered the Sun phase again and now he is initiating the eventual destruction of the Palestinians.

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