
After more than a month of war in Ukraine, it is clear that Russia has underestimated the difficulties in this invasion: they are suffering great losses, morale is low, logistics are faltering and the Ukrainian army is defending the country fiercely and effectively, they are now counterattacking on several fronts.  Yesterday it was announced in…


This weekend I read an article by the Flemish professor of political science Jonathan Holslag (Vrije Universiteit Brussels) in which he sharply analyses the problem of Western Europe. Western Europe is decadent, weak,  lazy and naïve and relies on others (the US) for its security. The politically correct “intellectual repentance battalion” also blamed  Western Europe…


This blog is also read by quite a few astrologers who are in the conflict regions in Ukraine and I have already had several reactions to my posts. Of course, those who are in the middle of the battle zones have much more knowledge of the situation, I have to base myself on what the…


In our prayers and thoughts we are with the people in Ukraine who are suffering so much from the war. The merciless tactics used by the Russians in the war in Syria now also seem to be used in Ukraine. Putin, who is no longer the youngest, probably wants to go down in history as…


Less than a month ago I wrote here that I was relieved that the transition of the Great Conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter into Aquarius had only brought Corona, but not war! And now we have ended up in this terrible conflict. Last week we already looked at the current lunar return of Ukraine in…

Special Bulletin

Russia invaded Ukraine last night under the pretext of wanting to “denazify” the country. In yesterday’s post, it was already noted that the new lunar return of Ukraine, which came into force on Monday, did not look exactly peaceful. Given the exceptional circumstances, this lunar return is already discussed in this special additional post. The…


The tensions in Ukraine continue to increase, the intensive diplomacy of the past months has not led to any success. There is quite some fake news circulating, although according to the Americans the decision to launch an attack on Ukraine was taken in Moscow some time ago.  On Monday Russia indeed recognized the rebel regions…


The English Prime Minister Boris Johnson is still not out of the Partygate problems and in a previous post we looked at his progressions. This indeed showed that there are strong tensions to be seen and that those tensions will reach a climax in the next two months. These progressive positions are the MC in…


At the end of December we wrote the following on this blog about the developments in the horoscope of the British Prime Minister Boris Johnson: “The progressive Moon is also of great importance, the Moon is Lord 10 of the job in the radix. At the moment, the Moon is not under pressure, but it…

Raging Bull Rafa

 Tennis player Rafael Nadal won his 21st title in a Grand Slam tournament last weekend, making him the tennis player with the most Grand Slams to his name. The Grand Slam tournaments are the four most important, prestigious tournaments played each year, Wimbledon, Roland Garros, the US Open and the Australian Open. That is a…