Brexit has not done the UK a lof of good. Not only is the country facing its economical consequences, on top of Corona, also the Scots seem to be getting very serious about independence. And in the Irish part of the now still United Kingdom tensions are on the rise because of the  administrative “customs…

Vindemiatrix in India

Some time ago India seemed to have gained control over the Corona-virus and all kinds of political and also relgious activities weer permitted again. The measures against the virus were forgotten soon as just like before Corona masses of  believers took a bath in the Ganges, without keeping any distance of course. The consequences manifested…


The last few months there was a lot of trouble in Dutch politics, it was revealed that the government had been blatantly lying and manipulating, so it is all paralysed now. A new government has to formed but this is impossible as long as some basic trust is not restored. So in the Dutch chart…

Philip Mountbatten

Early this month Prince Philip Mountbatten died, Queen Elisabeth’s husband, it was very sad to see the Queen alone in church with that horrible face-mask. Prince Philip was 99 years old and had had some health problems this year, so as the Court Astrologer you would take a look at what the charts are saying…

Mega Ponzi

Last week Prince Philip died, wo was married to Queen Elisabeth for no less than 73 years and later we will give his chart more attention. Of course, the press was totally focussed on this event so the death of another public figure occured almost in silence. This was Bernie Madoff, who in the beginning…

Twitter $$$

Times are strange now that the Air-period has begun. The final entry of the Great Conjunctions of Saturn and Jupiter into the Air signs has not only brought the Corona crisis, you can also see it in other phenomena. One of the characteristics of the Air element is abstraction, as it is the opposite of…

Teflon Rutte?

Three weeks ago just before the elections for the new  Dutch parliament, I wrote this about the profections of prime minister Mark Rutte: “Rutte is 54 yars old so his Profection house this year is the seventh of opponents, very appropriate for an election year. His teflon mixture Venus (Lord 10 of the job) and…


In last week’s post the sudden death of the French billionaire and politician Olivier Dassault (yes, the aeroplanes) was discussed by an analyis of his progressions. Not only could it be seen clearly in his natal chart how he would die, his progressed positions also mirrored by a very strong cumulation of negative indications (it…

Memento Mori

The tradition is clear about it, at your birth you are given a certain amount of years and when these are used up, it is over. A healthy life-style will not change this, it can certainly contribute to well-being but it cannot give you a longer life. In the old texts methods are given by…

Teflon Mark

According to the polls for the elections for the Dutch national Parliament today, it will end in an overwhelming victory for the liberal VVD party and the most important reason for this, is the liberal prime minister Mark Rutte. He has been prime minister for ten years now and it seems certain that he will…