The Dutch national team has already come back from the World Cup in Qatar after the loss against Argentina and frankly that is somewhat justified. The Dutch played only poorly, not too long ago this was much better. In  any case, this mediocre performance cannot be blamed on the coach Louis van Gaal. Van Gaal did what could be done and at press conferences he was quite a phenomenon with his most individual charm. Van Gaal was once a  professional player himself, but he never reached the highest level that he later achieved as a coach.

A coach is of course the boss, but especially the strategist, the planner who has to keep an overview. As a planet, Jupiter can be associated with this and Jupiter is in Van Gaal’s radix Lord 1 who is in mutual reception with the sports planet Mars, Jupiter is in the sign of Mars and Mars in Cancer where Jupiter has its exaltation. The house where Lord 1 is located always automatically gets a lot of attention and in the third house the “higher” insights from the ninth house are made practical, not bad for a coach. Mars with which Lord 1 is in reception, is also on royal Pollux, the immortal half of the highly combative Gemini, a fighter star with a pure Mars character.


Mars is Lord 10, and Lord 10 does not just like that indicate what you do as a job, it shows what “is going on” when you perform a public function. In this radix, Mars is clearly the central point in the profession, not only because Mars is in mutual reception with Lord 1 and conjunct royal Pollux, but also because it is angular and can therefore manifest strongly. The Moon on Spica also squares  this Mars, which brings a second royal star into play and stars, certainly royal stars, are decisive influences in a life.  Mars is essentially weak in its fall in Cancer but that alone does not mean that there can be no success in Mars areas like sports. 

Al Simak

As we saw last week in Lionel Messi’s radix, you don’t have to have an essentially strong planet to get much success, there are many ways in which success can be indicated in a chart. But in Van Gaal’s chart there is not only this Mars on Pollux connected with the Moon on Spica as the central point, he also has the Sun of leadership in his own sign directly connected to Jupiter Lord 1 of coaching through a trine.  His Lord of the Geniture, however, is Mercury very, very strong in Virgo and this also gives him a great  talent for detailed analysis. That his Lunar Mansion, his core myth, is Al Simak, which can be associated with the very critical evaluation of relationships, fits in very well with the coaching of teams, in which creating a unity is one of the most important goals.

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