The world is shocked by the action which the Palestinian terror organization Hamas started on Saturday, on the Jewish Sabbath, from the Gaza Strip. Israel was caught off guard by Hamas’s well-organized action, which massacred hundreds of civilians and took 150 hostages. The anger in Israel, which is usually vigilant and effectively defends itself, is enormous. A major military action is being prepared, Hamas funded by Iran and Qatar, will be dealt with harshly.

Secret services

In The Book of World Horoscopes by Nicolas Campion it is mentioned that the Israeli intelligence services use the chart of Israel. That may very well be the case, and for a country that is constantly in danger, that also seems like a good idea. Only that has clearly not worked well now, the Hamas attack came as a total surprise. Astrologically, the question is how you could have seen this coming? This is not about yet another skirmish or rocket fire from Gaza, this action is extraordinay and you should be able to see this in the chart.

When looking at the progressions, we base ourselves on the radix timed = at 16:00 (EET) in Tel Aviv on May 14, 1948 with the Ascendant 23.02 Libra (conjunct Spica!). This natal chrat is not discussed here, this is about the progressions, first the slow factors the secondary-progressed Sun, and the primary directions of the MC and the Ascendant are analyzed. And then it becomes immediately clear that these are not clues that you have to pull out, it is clearly indicated that there is great danger. 

Poisoned sting

The primary Ascendant is in opposition to the radix antiscion of Venus who is natal Lord 8 of death! We have indeed seen that, the Ascendant is also in conjunction with Aculeus in the sting of Scorpio. Aculeus is moreover a nebula that gives blindness. You see how useful and practical the traditional forecasting technique is, Israel did not see this sting coming and this star warns for this. That it is an antiscion emphasizes this again, an antiscion often has to do with hidden things, after all it is the mirrored position and not the visible one.

Piled-Up Corpses

The second slow factor the Sun is in conjunction with Praesepe, the Exhalation of Piled-Up Corpses! This is also a nebula, repeating the danger of blindness. The Sun is conjuct the antscion of the radix-Sun that is on Algol in the natal chart (Aklgol is a repetitive eclips!!) and about to enter the term of Mercury, which in the radix conjunct the violent Aldebaran in House 8 of death. The third slow factor the MC is on Algorab, the main star of the Crow, associated with destruction and malice. These are positions to be deeply troubled by.

Ram’s horn

The rapid factors the Moon, the Pars Fortunae and the Pars Solis confirm this picture and even indicate the month in which the danger will climax. The Moon is now on Sharatan one of the Ram’s Horns, again no explanation is needed and it enters the extremely fiery and uncompromising Lunar Mansion Al Sharatain, starting  a whole new cycle of the Lunar Mansions  of 28 years. The progressed PoF trines the natal Sun on Algol in House 8 of death. The Pars Solis has just entered Pisces, by which the ruler Jupiter is activated, trining  Mars / Lord 7 of opponents in the natal cahart and moving over evil Scheat. Scheat is a star in Pegasus, the Flying Horse and look how the Hamas terrorists invaded Israel.

From this impressive analysis, only with progressions of six factors you can see the danger and the month in which it will strike, it becomes clear that stars, planet parts, antiscia and lunar mansion are not nice add-on’s but essential techniques. It is also clear that if Israeli intelligence still makes use of astrologers, there is no good traditional astrologer among them, otherwise they would never have been surprised.      

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