In recent weeks, through the application of various traditional techniques, the conclusion has gradually been reached that Kamala Harris will become the new president of the United States on November 6. The lunar returns played a major role in reaching this conclusion. After all, we know that there are only two candidates who will compete against each other at a fixed time. In addition to the lunar returns, there are other methods to look at the monthly time-scale, for example by the month profections. You then start from the house in which the profection Ascendant falls that year and then you count one house per month.
North Node
For Harris, that looks promising! Her monthly profection comes to her first house, as her birthday is on October 20, two weeks before the elections, and her annual profection falls in the first house as the firts month. Her first house is very strong in her radix the North Node is on the Asc, in Trump’s chart the monthly profection falls in the eleventh house. That doesn’t look too bad either, but the malefic Saturn in its detriment is also placed in the eleventh radix house conjunct Lord 10 of the job. That’s weaker than Harris’ profection
There is also a technique to divide the year into seven planetary phases, based on the solar return and those planetary phases again into seven periods of about seven /eight days. You start counting on the date of the solar return and the lord of the first phase is the planet that rules the ascendant of the solar return, the next phase lords are found by following the Chaldean order, these are the hebdomades (hebdo is Greek for seven). It is a bit like the firdaria but then per year, they are a kind of annual firdaria. On Election Day, Trump is in the (sub)hebdomade of the Moon, very weak in his radix conjunct the South Node and in oppositiion with the Sun, Lord 1. In Harris’ chart this is the (sub)hebdomade of the Sun, in her radix by antiscion on the MC, much better of course.

Post Lunar
Trump’s post-election lunar return confirms this view. The Sun of the presidency and Lord 1 in his radix is at the lowest point of the lunar on the IC and on Antares, the end of the cycle. Not exactly a picture of victory! Nearby and therefore also very low is Mercury – Lord 1 and Lord 10 – opposite Jupiter/Lord 7 of the opponent who is near the highest point, the MC. Opposite Trump – the ascendant – Saturn / Lord 6 of adversity is found conjunct the Sun Part, the essence of the Sun President. There is little positive to be seen in this postlunar for Donald Trump…