This week saw the death of Jean-Marie Le Pen, the founder of the right-wing radical Front National and the father of Marine Le Pen, who succeeded him as party leader and changed the name of the party to the friendlier-sounding Rassemblement National (RN). Jean-Marie Le Pen’s activities have not been without success, his daughter’s RN has become one of the largest parties in France and many French people prefer to see her as president rather than the now very unpopular Emmanuel Macron. Jean-Marie Le Pen himself always remained a rebel who fought the system, he was a radical hothead, very different from his daughter who “de-radicalized” his party.
What immediately stands out in his chart is the position of the Moon about to leave its own sign of Cancer. A planet near a sign boundary always represents a specially emphasized theme in the life, because that planet is about to undergo major changes. That is also the case here, the Moon is Lord 4 of the homeland, still in very good condition in its own sign of Cancer but it will soon loose that great dignity. He will not let that happen, the homeland must remain as it is, change such as migration cannot be accepted.

Al Pherg
This Moon is also a dispositor of Mercury and therefore the significator of behaviour, the square of the Moon on fiery Mars shows the hothead that he was. After all, the Moon indicates the emotions about the homeland and Mars the fighting spirit. The fiery fighting planet is in the twelfth house of self-destruction, his radical attitude certainly worked against him, Mars is on the fate star Al Pherg indicating that this will play a very important role in his life. He was even eventually expelled from the party by his own daughter because he continued to hold on to Nazi ideas and connections.
Planets in a horoscope reflect themes on multiple levels and the Moon as Lord 4 is not only the homeland, but also the father. Le Pen’s father was a Breton fisherman who died in 1942 when he ran his boat into a mine, a placement of a planet at a sign boundary can also indicate something important in this way. I don’t want to psychologize it too much, but everything revolves around that strong Moon as a safe home that is in danger of being lost, both politically and more personally. The Arabic point of the father – Asc + Sun – Saturn – is in opposition to that Moon via antiscion, which emphasizes this theme even more.
Victory The planet part of Jupiter is also conjunct this Moon via antiscion, this part symbolizes the pure energy of the planet, Jupiter is of course politics and ideas but it is also called the part of victory. And so it was: he single-handedly set in motion a nationalist movement that, against all odds, grew into one of the largest parties in France. A planetary part in conjunction or opposition with radix factor with an orb of two degrees gives a concrete effect in life. The Part of Saturn on the descendant of others is also significant in that respect, he certainly contributed to France closing itself off more from migration and foreign influence. The Sun on Menkalinan the wildest, merciless part of the Chariot makes the picture complete.