The Corona Horary

About a month ago on this blog as an exception, a horary chart was discussed (post of 26 September). In this horary the development of the Corona crisis in The Netherlands could be followed, but also the prediction was made that an improvement could be expected in early November. This is what we can see now, for days the number of reported new infections has not gone up and it is decreasing now.

In the horary this timing was shown by the Moon / Lord 1 (The Netherlands)  leaving its detriment in Capricorn. That is of course a considerable improvement, although the Moon in the horary still has 18 degrees to go through the shadows of the eighth house, so things will not be normalised overnight. For the many foreign readers of this blog, this is only so for The Netherlands! Everyone  should make a Corona horary for his own country, as there is so much difference. 


Over the past days the news was dominated less by the US elections, as there was a series of terrorist attacks, two times in France and two days ago in Vienna. You can ask yourself if we can say something in general about this astrologically? The very tense situation in the world has to do with the cycles we gave attention to before, especially the Great Conjunctions of the chronocrators Saturn and Jupiter taking place in December, but also the conjunction of Pluto with the chronocrators. These Pluto conjunctions give a more detailed timing within the crisis situation. Saturn on Pluto in January indicated the start of the world-wide Corona crisis and now the third  Pluto-Jupiter conjunction of this year is almost full.

A conjunction is seen as a crisis moment in the cycle, as something new has to start and this cannot be but painful. It is striking that the Pluto-Jupiter cycle is aways associated with ecomic developments as Jupiter of course stands for wealth and growth. However, the cycle can also be connected  to terrorism as Jupiter is also convictions.  Both meanings seem to be very relevant at the moment. In a week Jupiter will perfect its conjunction with Pluto and this intensifies the frictions politicallly ( terrorism, very tense situation in the US) and economically (lockdowns). As we discussed before, after December the tensions will gradually decrease as we leave all the conjnctions of these important cycles behind.


Today is election day in the US and  we will come back to this in the next post (Trump has claimed victory, but this is still uncertain) and the position of Mercury is striking. It is stationary so it can be expected it will all take more time, it is indeed the counting of the many votes which came in by mail that is very time-consuming.

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