Donald Trump’s wayward actions have created uncertainty about the role and survival of NATO, the defense organization of the free West. Trump focuses mainly on direct American interests and less on the old alliance with the European countries, you even hear discussions about the possible imminent end of the treaty organization. The US sometimes seems to act more like an ennemy now than like the reliable big brother whose protection you could always count on.
High stakes
The tensions and developments in NATO will also be visible in the organisation’s chart, which was established in April 1949. That is, a new solar return will soon come into force, in which Trump’s hard play will be shown, if it will actually be as hard as it sometimes seems now. There are some striking things to be seen in that solar return , so you could draw the conclusion that you can expect changes in the coming year, although of course that does not necessarily indicate the end of NATO.

Second house
The first thing that immediately stands out is the emphasis on the second house of finance, in which no less than three planets are found. One of Trump’s points is that the allies invest too little in their own military apparatus and rely too much on the Americans. Saturn Lord 1 in the solar return and therefore NATO this year is conjunct Mercury and Venus on the expansive North Node in te second house. Mercury and Venus are retrograde in the but will soon turn direct, so that indicates that a turning point has been reached and things are going to take a different turn financially.
The great troublemaker Trump is also visible in the return chart, Mars is remarkably close to the descendant, a planet on an angle always has a lot of influence. Mars is very appropriately of course the planet of discord and on the descendant he is very busy with other parties. The star on which it stands is also telling, it is Procyon the very bright main star of the Little Dog, the smart agile beast, which strongly draws its own plan and often goes against the prevailing status quo. The fact that Mars is the lord of the important tenth house gives it even more emphasis, as does the trine it makes with the three planets in the second house. It is clear that the unrest will not be over next year and that NATO boss Rutte will need his diplomatic talents!