Israel’s relationship with its Arab neighbors has always been very violent, but that relationship seems to have entered a new more radical phase since the attack by Hamas. Not only has the Gaza Strip been mercilessly razed to the ground and become virtually uninhabitable, Lebanon has also been bombed. In the north, Israel expanded its occupation of the Golan Heights and on the West Bank, the army is harshly persecuting the Palestinian population twith the help of extremist settlers. There is clearly a change in the attitud of the Israelis, they have become tougher and more radical.


The question is whether you can see any of that, in the horoscope of the country that is really dotted with powerful fixed stars. For example, the mighty royal Spica is on the Ascendant and on the MC is Procyon, the very bright main star from the violent Little Dog , who often outsmarts  his enemies with his cleverness. The Small Dog is also a hunting dog that dutifully serves the hunter and it will be obvious that that is the USA. Military strength enough, the fighting planet Mars is on the royal Regulus on cusp 11. A great reputation also has the intelligence apparatus, Lord 12 of secret services is in his own sign on the also royal Aldebaran!


Empty Manger

Here we see enormous power, if this had been an election, there would have been a competent astrologer at work. But there is more, the Moon is Lord 10 who stands on Praesepe the Exhalation of Stacked Corpses, a star that can sow death and destruction but which is also called the Empty Manger. This is striking because Judaism has never wanted to recognize the Child in the manger as the promised Messiah. So there are several sides to this placement. But as if that is not enough, the Sun is on the very malevolent Algol via antiscion in conjunction with this Moon. That is a huge concentration of extremely violent force! And yes, in 2023, with the attack of Hamas, a new Firdaria of the Sun started, which thus activated the Algol/Praesepe combination, a change we see in Gaza and in Israel!

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