This week the singer Marianne Faithfull, who you could call an icon of the 60s, passed away. She was discovered in 1964, the song with which she broke through was written by Mick Jagger, with whom she also had a relationship for a while. After the end of that relationship, she struggled with her drug addiction, she even lived as a homeless person for two years, but eventually she managed to kick the habit. Talking about the 60s! Her name would always remain associated with Jagger, drugs and the Rolling Stones.
What immediately stands out in the horoscope of this singer is Wega, the bright main star of the Lyre that is on the MC, which needs no explanation. Just before the MC and within the traditional orb of five degrees for cusps, Mars in exaltation also falls on the MC, which is not bad for success. Mars is Lord 7 of partners and conjunct the Sun, so that probably indicates the major role that Jagger and the Stones have played in her life. Remarkably, in 1964, when she was discovered, the Firdar of Mercury started, the planet of the voice that falls via antiscion conjunct the Jagger-Sun.

That Sun is also connected through a strong mutual reception to Saturn, which is Lord 10 of the career and which is in opposition to the art planet Venus through antiscion. Lord 10 is near the cusp of the fifth house of art and creativity and the Sun with which it is in such a strong reception is also Lord 5. Everywhere you look, the indicators of artistry pop up again and again in a different way: by a planet, by a star, by a house and yes also by the planetary point of Venus that is in conjunction with Mercury of the voice that was on the Jagger-Sun via antiscion. In this way, you see a whole web of indications emerge that only becomes visible if you use traditional techniques.
The same Saturn in its detriment of course gives a total lack of discipline and limitation especially when it stands on Prasepe as here, the zone of the Empty Manger and one of the most evil stars. The name has to do with the absence of a guiding principle, after all, there is no child in the manger. Praesepe is also in the Heart of Cancer and in the cardinal Water of Cancer, the impulses of Water are followed without restraint here. Together with Jupiter / Lord 12 who is the dispositor of the emotions (the Moon) and the thoughts (Mercury) and the Moon in House 12, this indicates the susceptibility to addiction.