Last week the news was dominated by the problems surrounding the extremely popular TV talent show “The Voice of Holland”. It turned out that several men, including a much-loved rapper had sexually harrassed many of  show’s candidates and the management had let it all happen. The programme was stopped immediately and the powerful De Mol media family had to run the gauntlet. Media mogul John de Mol, inventor and producer of The Voice reacted very unhappily to critical questions and it dramatically cost his sister Linda de Mol he marriage. Linda’s husband turned out to have harrassed a whole series of women.   


Linda de Mol is a much-loved presenter and actress and in her progressions of the moment the crisis  can be seen immediately. It strikes the eye that the Ascendant’s direction is on the progressed South Node, always forcing you to a painful sacrifice. The nodal axis is the axis of the creation energy itself and when activated by a progression or in a solar or lunar return, it will always have a strong effect. The Asc is also moving over Acumen a malefic nebula in poisonous Scorpio, asscociated like all nebulas with blindness. The Ascendant is also just before a change of signs which only occurs once every thirty years and therefore indicates major changes.

Antiscial progressions

In addition the MC is about to enter the second term of Scorpio ruled by Jupiter. This will activate Jupiter and in Linda de Mol’s radix its is Lord 6 of misfortune in the seventh houze of relationships. Jupiter is also Lord 2 and the second house is the eighth house of the end, seen from the seventh house of relationships. Of course, you would only look at these kind of derived meanings if other clues and the context indicate reasons to do so and this is the case here. For by antiscion the Part of Fortune is in opposition with the progressed Venus, natal Lord 7 of relationships, moving over fierce Procyon, the main star of the Lesser Dog.      

Al Terf

On the same progressed Venus / Lord 7 the Pars Solis makes an opposition, the focus in the chart is very much on relationships. Both the Part of the Luminaries are fast progressed factors, they move one degree per month. So these two oppositions with progressed Lord 7 illustrate again how sharp the Parts are in progressions, the distance to Lord 7 is one degree. So even without lunar returns you can get very close to the month something will happen. This is emphasized by the fact that the progressed Pars Solis is now on Terebellum, a star of fate. Of course, it does not help that the progressed Sun is moving between the progressed position of Uranus and natal Pluto. On top of that, the progressed Moon is about to enter Al Terf, the  Lunar Mansion of the Lion’s Glance, associated with confrontation loss and frustration.

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