Last Sunday Formula-1 driver Max Verstappen won the Grand Prix of France in style and by this victory he strengthened his leader position in the ranking for the world title.The season is still long, there are 23 Grand Prixs and the one in France was the eighth, but he seems to have a good chance on the championship. Verstappen will be 24 in September and he is a kind of Mozart of Formula 1 driving, a remarkably gifted prodigy, who put in tremendous achievements while still very young.

So it would of course be very interesting to take a look at his chart and what is going on in it now, unfortunately there are no reliable data available, like for example an official birth registration. The best we have is in the Dirt Data category, so you will have to be very critical in using the chart calculated by these data. Nevertheless, this chart can be viewed by clicking on the download link below, as there are very strong indications that these Dirty Data are correct, but this can only be seen by using the most important classical techniques.

What should be analysed as the last point in a systematic delineation of the chart, the lunar mansion, will be done first as it is so enlightening. The lunar mansion is Al Zubra, in Arabic the Lion’s Manes although The Back would be a better name. The Leo star Zosma in the Lion’s Back is the ruling star in this mansion and the mansion image is a victorious warrior with a spear riding on the back of the lion! This clearly shows what a lunar mansion is, a central steering unit determining important decisions and concrete events in the life. The traditional face and degree pictures connected to the Ascendant are also striking, the face picture is two men fighting, the degree gives us a man carrying a spear.

What you almost cannot overlook is this Mercury, the planet of precision, technique and movement extremely strong in its  exaltation and domicile. With 107 minutes of arc its speed is at its maximum, it canot go faster. As above, so below. Mercury is placed in the eleventh house of the “fruits of your labour”which it also rules and it is on the fixed star Labrum one of the stars of fate, indicating that Mercury will influence his life strongly.  It is also very good that the Moon, the planet of the more intuitive part of the brain conjuncts Mercury.

Super Abundance Victory     

The planet parts, indicating special strong motives in the life, in a concrete and a psychlogical sense are dead on target. These parts are calculated on the basis of the Ascendant, so they are extremely time sensitive. The Mercury part opposes Mercury by antiscion, making this remarkably strong Mercury even more mercurial, the opposition indicates the element of confrontation. The Saturn part of imprisonment conjuncts the Descendant of opponents, good for Max, the Jupiter part of Victory is by antiscion on Lord 1  – Max – and so is the Venus part of “super-abundance”!

The Sun part of Future and Abundance is by antiscion on Jupiter on the IC of fathers, his father Jos, who was also a Formula-1 driver was his first teacher. The Sun is Lord 10 of the job, so if we connect the house rulership of the planet with its part, it is all very clearly indicated. Charts with many planet parts in conjunction / opposition with other radix factors, also by antiscion, with a smal  orb of 2 ° often indicate special achievements . 

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