Dia de Los Muertos

Tuesday it was all Soul’s Day, on which the church celebrates the Requiem Mass for the deceased. In Mexico this is one of the most important festivals as the Day of the Dead, the Dia de Los Muertos. This country suffers from a death obsession and this is not strange, the Aztec culture before the…

Eric Zemmour

Next year presidential elections will be held in France and the country has become mesmerized  over the past two months by a new political star, who has not even announced his candidacy officially yet, the radical right-winger and columnist Eric Zemmour. His nationalistic anti-migration, anti-Islam and anti-EU rhetoric is appreciated by many French, especially by…


Last week the chart of Haiti was discussed, which was based on the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter that took place before the independence of the country (see last week’s post for the mundane radix). Haiti is the only country in the world in which slaves successfully rebelled against their suppressors and were able…


While all attention was focused on Afghanistan and the victory of the Taliban, on the other side of the world an earth-quake took place in Haiti. This made the chaos there complete because the president of the extremely poor and instable country had been murdered just before that. Haiti is an heroic country, once it…


Next week film director Paul Verhoeven’s most recent production Benedetta will be released. Verhoeven is one of few Dutch directors that have enjoyed international success with films like Robocop, Basic Instinct and Total Recall. Verhoeven always does it his way and he knows how to effectively catch the spirit of the times with his slick…


In last week’s post the new solar return of The Netherlands was discussed (based on the mundane natal chart we always use, which is not shown here, see last week’s post for the chart data). It did not look too nice, but as a solar chart will always manifest within the developments that can be…


Yesterday a survey showed that a very low percentage of the Dutch population still has confidence in the government. This does not come as a surprise, after a whole series of failures and scandals, a shamelessly lying prime minister and recently the disastrous evacuation of Kabul which led to the loss of human lives. The…

Champion Max?

We have written on this blog before about the young Dutch Formula-1 driver Max Verstappen, who is the current leader in the battle for the world championship. There are now seven races to go, the last Grand Prix of the season is on 12 December and then it will be clear if Verstappen will win….


In December last year we had the Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter in the first degree of Aquarius, and this means the most important mundane-astrological cycle has definitively moved over into the Air element. This has caused the Corona crisis, a change of elements only happens once in 200 years, so this brings a…