In 1226…

And yes there it was, the famous Great Conjunction (“GC”) in the first degree of Aquarius, the “cause” of the Corona crisis, heralding Air times. It was fascinating to see that about which I had written and spoken so many times, really up there in the sky. Astrology happens out there, not only on your…

(Ex?-)President Biden

First : now that The Great Conjunction of Saturn and Jupiter will take place soon (on 22 December) we can expect some climax in the crisis, In many Europan countries stricter Corona measures have been been imposed to control the second wave. In 2021 all the tense conjunctions of this year will be left behind,…

JFK is Phaeton

Last week we discussed John F. Kennedy’s inauguration chart and how it was indicated that it all would end so dramatically. It was also shown that it is simply possible to make lunar returns on the basis of an inauguration chart to check the monthly developments in the presidency. JFK’s murder was clearly shown by…


Last week we discussed Joe Biden’s inauguration chart, planned to take place on 20 January around noon (the usual time).This chart did not look too nice and this poses the question how previous inauguration charts showed what was going to happen. JF Kennedy’s presidency  is an obvious example, according to the data found on internet…

Tecumseh’s Curse

Donald Trump is still putting up fierce resistance, but it seems very unlikely that he will not have to leave the White House. The accusations of fraud and the legal procedures initiated by team Trump seem to serve another goal, mobilising supporters. When Trump will be ex-president, we will still hear from him and a…

Exit Donald Trump

As we predicted more than once in the past two years, Donald Trump will have to leave the White House. He has not been re-elected and this will be extra painful because it does not happen too often that a president in office has to go. This correct prediction was done by several techniques but…


The Corona Horary About a month ago on this blog as an exception, a horary chart was discussed (post of 26 September). In this horary the development of the Corona crisis in The Netherlands could be followed, but also the prediction was made that an improvement could be expected in early November. This is what…

Trump or Biden?

Next week on 3 November the Americans will vote and decide whether it is going to be Joe Biden or another four years of Donald Trump? On the national level it is clear, a majority of the Americans has seen enough of Trump, Biden is in the lead by about 10 %. However, this is…


The readers of this blog know it is dedicated to traditional astrology, which is based on the methods and techniques always used in the long history of astrology. This is a real history so not all astrologers applied exactly the same methods for twenty centuries. However, the principles always remained the same, till the theosophers…