Issur Danielovitsj Demsky

Last week Kirk Douglas, one of the great Hollywood legends died at he blessed age of 103 years. Kirk Douglas, yes he is the father of actor Michael Douglas was the son of poor Russian-Jewish immigrants, so he very much incorporates the American Dream with his successes. America the land  of umlimited opportunities, for some…

The Wuhan virus

It was not immediately clear but the outbreak of the Wuhan virus in China has grown rapidy into a real epidemic. The region around the city of Wuhan where the virus made its first vitcims, is closed off from the outer world, the Chinese government is taking very strong measures. The question is of course…

Hard Megxit

My apologies for the e-mails  you have been receiving this week, these were test mails in connection with site maintenance which is finished now. If you have been on the throne for such a long time as the English queen Elisabeth, it is inevitable that on the long run you will have to deal with…

Brexit finally

Soon it will finally happen, on the 31st of January the UK will officially leave the  EU exactly at 11:00 PM. This has triggered a discussion in the English parliament because a group of Brexit fans in the Conservative party wants to sound the Big Ben to celebrate that moment. The Big Ben is being…

Inferno Downunder

Australia’s southeast coast is burning and the fires are not normal fires any more, they have taken on the shapes of disastrous fire storms. The woods are burning in Australia’s summer every year but it has not yet been as bad as it is this year, large areas are being evacuated. As this is a…

The Banana

The astrological symbol of Venus clearly shows the essence of art, the circle above is the divine unity and harmony, the cross below the material realities on earth. So the essence of art, of course ruled by Venus, is to express divine unity in concrete forms, that is what beauty is. It will be clear…


Last week we wrote about the fall of Prince Andrew on this blog and as in many cases his dubious sexual activities led to this deep fall. Another comparable case, not directly connected to Prince Andrew is the American film producer Harvey Weinstein. In his case the accusations made were more serious and the court…