
Yesterday his party voted about his position, but he survived, battered but Boris Johnson – BoJo, BoZo, the Blond Goblin – is still there. Earlier on this blog we looked at his progressions, and his solar and lunar returns and there turned out to be strong  tensions in March and April this year. These temsions…

Al Tarf

Last week, Max Verstappen’s chances of winning the Formula 1 championship again were examined. That was done on the basis of his solar return of this year, the SR that is valid until his birthday in September looks favorable but the new SR coming into effect then does not. That is also the SR under…


Last Sunday Max Verstappen won the Grand Prix of Barcelona and came back in the lead of the classification by winnimng thre race. Last December we followed the last Formula- races on this blog and the prediction was made that Verstappen would become world champion, which also happened in an extremely exciting final race. Now…

Lucida Lancis

Some time ago, based on the chart of the beginning of the war in Ukraine, I wrote the following: “Looking ahead, we see mid-April (calculation date March 3) Mars going over Pluto which can be nothing but a very fierce battle that reaches a decisive point, could that be the fall of Mariupol? Then we…

Antares Eclipse

Last week the upcoming eclipse of May 16 was discussed and the chart of that Lunar Eclipse made for Moscow looked quite dramatic. What was also clear, is how important context is in astrology, in a prediction you always combine knowledge of the context with the interpretation of the chart. There is now a war…

Rus Eclipse

The Sun is currently moving in the direction of the North Node and that means it is eclipse time.  After all, eclipses occur when a New Moon or a Full Moon falls near the Nodal Axis. The symbolism is clear, a new Moon or a Full Moon – also called a “lunation” – is a…

En Marche?

As we predicted last week on the basis of Emmanuel Macron’s current lunar return, he has won the presidential elections. That current lunar return showed conflicting clues, which happens more often, but the conclusion was that it didn’t look dramatic enough to say that he would loose (see last week’s post). It wasn’t a resounding…

Le Pen?

Next Sunday is the second round of the French presidential elections about which we didn’t hear too much because a lot was happening in Ukraine and also because it wasn’t that exciting. President Emmanuel Macron had such a big lead over the competition in the polls that it looked like it had been decided. The…


As classical astrologers, we are always somewhat critical of the interpretations and methods used by our modern colleagues, especially of their limitlessness. Every lump of rock of a few square meters in the solar system is assigned a profound meaning, there are even astrologers who work with hypothetical planets. There are ephemerides of such planets,…


Last week we looked at the chart of the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine and it turned out that the clear force on the Russian side was firmly inhibited by other factors. It was also clear that the Ukrainian army had a lot of  strength to fight back effectively, especially by the placement…