Meghan contra The Crown

The British royal family has a big problem after an interview with (ex-) Prince Harry and his wife Meghan Markle. Some time ago Harry and  Meghan left London and the royal duties behind to live their own lifes in the United States. Thiswas not too much appreciated of course, but now the interview with Oprah…

2 x Trump?

In his first speech after he lost the elections, Donald Trump hinted that he would be running for the presidency again in 2024, which was not unexpected. Of course, this is an effective way of keeping the Republican party under pressure as there is considerable resistance to Trump within the ranks of the GOP, the…


Sunday on Monday was not a good night for investors, at least for those investors who focus on cryptocurrencies, the development of which caused sensation over the past few months. The very first crypto ever, the Bitcoin sky-rocketed, if you would have bought at the right moment, you would have been a rich man. Other…

Versus Larry Flynt

Corona Horary First this: the regular readers of this blog will remember the horary chart above, which I discussed last year. The question was how long the Corona crisis would continue in The Netherlands, The Netherlands is ”We” and so Lord 1 in this horary. The question was asked in mid-April 2020 and it can…


“When the Moon is in the Seventh House, And Jupiter aligns with Mars, Then peace will guide the planets, And love will steer the stars, this the dawning of the Age of Aquarius..” No doubt the idea of the Age of Aquarius became known in the whole world by this text from the hit song…


Burma, or as it is also called now Myanmar, is one of the countries in the world the rulers of which make an extensive use of astrology and other traditional sciences. The moment Burma gained its independence was even chosen by Burmese astrologers, that was on 4 January 1948, 4:20 A. M. (Asc 10.40 Sag) ,…


Last week the dramatic  events in the US were discussed, now there are problem in The Netherlands. The curfew imposed on Saturday caused cropped-up frustrations about the Corona crisis to burst out, rioters mixed with demonstrators against the Corona measures and created havoc. The police were forced to take hard action, this was a bit…


The star Antares, the Scorpion’s Heart, with an intense martial-red colour, shows again that its dark reputation is well-deserved. The name of this very powerful royal star that ends cycles and therefore is also called the Death Star, was derived from “ Anti-Ares”. Ares is the war god Mars and “anti” indicates he is the…

Trump in Al Sarfah

This week shocking images came from the US. Instigated by the president a raging mob of Trump supporters stormed the Capitol, the heart of American democracy. It is a miracle that only a few people were killed, because the police controlled itself it did not turn into a bloodbath. This danger was clearly present, with…

In 452…

In our last post on this blog the transition of the Great Conjunctions into the Air element now and the same transition 800 years ago were compared. Then as now, there were very fast developments, a lot of international movements, a fundamental change in the power balance and many innovations in the field of knowledge….