
In last week’s post, we looked at Barbie’s chart, the movie is a huge blockbuster at the moment, and the progressions in Barbie’s radix clearly showed that. People often combine the Barbie movie with another film about the life of Robbert Oppenheimer, the father of the atomic bomb. This somewhat unlikely cocktail has even been…


Barbie is currently scoring triumphs because of the Barbie movie that came out recently and which turns out to be a huge blockbuster. In the magazine The Astrologer’s Apprentice which was published for a while by John Frawley there is a natal chart of Barbie and it would be very interesting to see what is…


Finally the time has come, the liberal Mark Rutte is leaving politics. He has been Prime Minister of the Netherlands since 2010, making him the longest-serving Prime Minister of our country ever. He leaves behind a trail of scandals, under his leadership an incredible amount of things went out of control, but let’s focus on…

Hasta la Vista!

Former Prime Minister Boris Johnson did not show much remorse when he recently also had to go as an MP.  Partygate, the scandal of the alcoholic get-togethers on Downing Street during the Corona lockdown, now seems to have ended his entire political career, but in style his last words were: hasta la vista baby. Whether…

The Poisoned Cup

Over the past week, we have seen rapid developments in Russia. The mercenary army Wagner occupied the city of Rostov in the south of the country and then advanced almost unhindered towards Moscow. At 200 kilometers from Moscow they stopped and Wagner left Rostov again. A deal has been made with the mercenaries, it is…

Il Cavaliere

Last Sunday, Silvio Berlusconi’s dark life came to an end and Italy is in massive mourning. He sometimes seemed to have the eternal life, he kept coming back, but finally the Great Reaper also knocked on his door. Dust thou art, and to dust thou shalt return. Il Cavaliere was his nickname, The Knight and…


Over the past few weeks, we’ve been looking at the U.S. presidential elections, which won’t be held until November next year, but things are really heating up now. In both camps, the candidates are presenting themselves, but it still looks like the battle will once again be between Biden and Trump.  This week, Donald Trump…

Trump again?

Last week’s post discussed Joe Biden’s lunar return in the month he could be re-elected to the most powerful political office in the world on Nov. 5, 2024. A lunar retunrn  indicates what is going to happen in a month and is therefore a very suitable means to analyze an election, when this involves a…


The US presidential elections will be held on 5  November next year, but the battle has long since begun. Recently, Ron de Santis, a Republican who presents himself as the more civilized and intelligent alternative for Donald Trump, announced his candidacy. But no matter what the other candidates do, it’s still the two old gentlemen…

Annus Horribilis

Last week we discussed the chart of the coronation of the late Queen Elisabeth who sat on the throne for so long, only the Thai King Bhumibol ruled for a longer time. The coronation chart of Elisabeth showed a lot of power, especially by Lord 1 who is placed in his own sign and has…